A-Z guide on office remodelling to boost your team’s productivity

Nerd For Tech
Published in
12 min readMar 12, 2022



If you’re the individual who thinks that spending money on office remodelling is wasteful, it’s time to change your perception. Office remodelling will be going to boost your employee morale and bring huge returns on investment in productivity and employee retention.

But when you’re thinking about investing in office remodelling, the first thing that probably comes to mind is aesthetics. Are people going to think my office looks cool?

But, office remodelling doesn’t have to just be about making your building look nice. It can also be a great way to improve your office day, team’s productivity and make them happier overall. By creating a new environment, the flow of new ideas will lead your business to further growth.

With this in mind, here’s an A-Z guide of office improvement ideas on how to use office remodelling as an investment in your team’s overall productivity and happiness. You’ll learn how simple changes to your office environment can increase your team’s productivity by up to 40%.

So without further ado, let’s begin our A-Z guide on office remodelling to boost your team’s productivity!

A- Avoid Clutter In The Office


Clutter is a huge distraction in an office and can make workers feel disorganized. The feeling of being unorganized has been linked to stress, so it’s important to keep workspaces tidy.

Start by removing anything that’s not related to business. Unsubscribe from mailing lists you don’t read, schedule time each week for filing paperwork that is piled up. A little organization goes a long way in keeping employees focused!

B- Break Area


A break area is a great way to improve an office environment. Add in some comfortable furniture, such as armchairs and recliners, and top it off with a coffee table and a small side table with a lamp.

This will give employees something pleasant and quiet to do during their break, instead of simply standing around. This can also help improve relationships between coworkers by encouraging them to socialize.

C- Cut Down The Noise In Offices


Today, most of us are expected to work longer hours and be more productive than ever before. But with all these tasks, there is a lot of noise that comes in. It’s not easy to focus, especially when there are conversations going on around you or when something unexpected pops up.

To keep people focused in your office, consider some simple improvements in the workplace that can reduce noise and distractions. It will make everyone more productive.

D- Digital Assistance


Smartphones and other digital assistants can be a huge boon for those looking to make their workplace more efficient. Tools like Siri, Cortana, and Google Now are powerful devices that make office management significantly easier.

Installing these tools can help you find files faster and schedule meetings more efficiently. But make sure to read up on these helpful tools before implementing them in your own workplace. Doing so will help maximize their potential.

E- Enhance Productivity With Incentives


If you want to uplift productivity, you need to make sure your employees are happy. Start by thinking about what you can do to improve their day-to-day lives at work.

If you want them to work better, motivate them with something enjoyable that also improves your business. Consider incentives like free lunches, company retreats, or annual picnics. We guarantee they won’t expect it and they certainly won’t forget it!

F- Fix Bad Air Quality In The Office


The air quality in an office setting is a sensitive matter. Your employees spend up to 8 hours of your day at work, which equates to a third of our lives. If they aren’t comfortable and happy at work, they probably won’t be productive.

Improve office air quality by fixing drafts and other ventilation issues. This improvement in the air will improve how your employees feel while working in office space.

G- Gym Installation


Adding a gym area in your office can be a great way to improve employee health, morale, and overall workplace wellbeing.

If you want to develop an engaging and productive work environment, adding a gym area will help motivate people to stay healthy. A healthy workforce is more engaged and more effective, reducing absenteeism and lost time due to illness.

Regular exercise improves the focus, motivation, and concentration skills of employees. It’s been shown that exercise boosts creativity by increasing blood flow to your brain. That’s why opening up an office gym can make your employees more productive.

H- Healthy Environment


Develop a healthy environment in your office by simply adding healthy plants and flowers to brighten up dull cubicles.

With a few simple changes, you can develop a workplace that looks better and helps improve productivity and curb stress levels.

Being surrounded by a healthy environment has proven effective in boosting employee morale. Adding calming colors around workers’ cubicles helps increase performance as well as enhance positive moods.

I- Improve Lighting In The Office


According to experts, workplace lighting is one of the most important things you can focus on during an office remodel.

Poor lighting can lead to moodiness and eye strain, making workers less productive. In order to ensure that everyone in your office is as comfortable and happy as possible, be sure that you spend some time planning for improved lighting.

J-Joyful surroundings


According to research by Harvard Business School, happy employees are 13% more productive than their unhappy coworkers.

With an added factor of performance being directly linked to company profits, employers need to pay attention to providing financial incentives and joyful surroundings to their employees at work.

One of the easiest ways employers can positively impact their workers is by giving them control over how they spend their time and designing a space that facilitates collaboration and cooperation with others.

K- Kitchen-Diner


Create a communal area in your office kitchen that allows employees and managers alike to take some time out, have lunch with colleagues, and eat their food away from their desks. This will reduce their stress and improve their mood throughout the day.

A more relaxed and happy employee is more productive! Be sure to include healthy options for them too. Consider making available fresh fruits, nuts, and even juices during these lunch breaks. It doesn’t cost much, but it can make an impact on staff morale as well as everyone’s health!

L- Liberty


These days, it’s crucial that you allow your employees as much freedom as possible. The more they feel in control of their own time and space, the happier and more productive they will be at work.

Giving liberty at the workplace can help improve productivity by 30%. When an employee has a choice about how they approach their tasks each day, they can have a big impact on their working performance.

M- Monitoring Software


Installing project budgeting software can help your employees to enhance their productivity to their best extent.

Real-time reporting programs and Time tracking software such as WorkStatus will ensure that your employees are using time efficiently and allow you to calculate exactly how much work they have done within a certain period of time.

With WorkStatus real time reporting, you can also view your company’s overall performance stats or highlight the most productive employees, which will lead you to better results.

Sign up today and claim your 14 days trial now.

N- No negativity


While remodeling or designing an office space, you should stay positive and allow only thoughts of positivity into your head.

If you start thinking about how a new desk will take up more room or how that extra person in meetings means your chairs will be jammed even closer together, you’ll create negative vibrations that would affect everyone in that space.

A happier office is a better working environment. And if everyone is content at work, they are much more likely to be satisfied while working.

O- Organize Your Workspaces


If you’re looking for different methods to enhance your office efficiency, then one of your best bets is organizing and improving workspaces.

Research shows that optimal office ergonomics can increase productivity by as much as 30%, so there’s a real benefit in organizing your workspace to support employee wellness.

Of course, each workspace is different, but a few standard upgrades have shown their merit across various office spaces. It all depends on what will perform best for your team!

P- Private Meetings Room


If you want people to be honest in meetings, you need to create an environment where they feel comfortable being candid. That means no interruptions.

If there are distractions or disruptions in a meeting, it will be challenging to offer their full range of opinions and insights.

Privacy is key. Find a quiet place such as a private meeting room away from prying eyes and ears where everyone can feel comfortable speaking their minds.

Q- Quiet working rooms


To boost your team’s productivity, you first need a space that will allow them to focus. This could mean providing soundproofed rooms where noise won’t interrupt them or ensuring enough privacy in their workspaces.

On top of that, giving employees quiet working spaces will also be a great way to reduce stress levels among staff, which can positively impact their work performance.

R- Reliable management


It’s no secret that employees need to feel as though they are part of a cohesive unit for a company to thrive. A successful office manager can play an integral role in developing cohesion by creating a work environment that promotes accountability and mutual respect between management and staff.

These improvements will contribute to employee satisfaction while increasing overall productivity within your organization.

S- Separate room for celebrations


Many companies have found that designing one room in their office as a fun space where employees can hang out and celebrate is more successful than any other work improvement ideas.

This is especially good for companies who want to create an atmosphere of celebration while still making sure they are working.

While your employees are always working, giving yourself time off is essential too! And having a separate space to do so encourages relaxation without taking away productivity at work.

T- Treat them kindly


Help your employees feel comfortable and respected in their workspace. Ensure they have everything they need by equipping them with ergonomic office furniture, desk accessories, and best practices.

By treating them in a kind and professional manner, you’ll build trust with them, allowing them to communicate openly. This will increase efficiency levels amongst workers and create a harmonious environment that encourages creativity and cooperation.

U- Upgrade their skills


The office environment has a direct impact on how productive an employee is. That’s why companies need to understand what makes their employees more productive.

Taking steps to upgrade their skills will improve their day and contribute more value to your business. For example, organizing weekly workshops can enhance their skills in various fields.

The possibilities are endless as long as you know your employees well enough to see where they need help improving.

V- Vibrant paints in office halls


Colors can affect how you feel in a workspace. You can bring a burst of energy into your employees by adding vibrant colors to office halls and can bring cheerfulness into your workspace.

For an office full of creatives, opt for pastels such as mint green and baby blue that would promote a calm yet enthusiastic ambiance among your employees. Muted tones like gray and dark blues would work well for offices where productivity needs to peak throughout the day.

W- Waste bins and recycle system


There is so much waste produced at work every day, from unnecessary materials to redundant items.

By installing a waste bin and recycling system at work, you can encourage workers to recycle by providing them with areas where they can discard unwanted items. This will result in keeping the office area hygienic, and you will be able to reduce waste disposal costs by recycling over 90% of that which was previously discarded, resulting in better cost savings.

X- XXI century equipment


Investing in new innovative technology and equipment is a great way to improve work conditions, workplace efficiency, and employee well-being.

XXI century equipment helps workers feel more engaged, allowing them to develop and deliver better results. For example, companies that invested in flexible desks saw a 35% increase in worker satisfaction, so it’s no surprise that studies show people are 3x more productive when they have updated facilities.

Y- Your workspace should be tidy.


Clutter can negatively influence your stress levels and mental health, which in turn can affect both concentration and work quality. An uncluttered workspace makes it easier for people to focus on their tasks and feel more concentrated at their desks.

A clean workspace also has the added advantage of making you feel calmer and more comfortable than the chaotic one and it also gives a more professional impression.

Z- Zone For Prayer


Is there a room in your office that you’re able to set aside for quiet time with God? If not, think about how it might change things for you and your employees.

As our culture becomes more stressful and frantic, making a different room for peace and prayer can help employees feel peaceful. A few minutes of prayer could lead to better positive work improvement suggestions that are more than worth sacrificing your afternoon brownie break.


Office design is a complex thing. But, it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. An expert might tell you that there are many factors that affect office layout and design, but these three factors, the number of employees, working hours, and work culture are really all you need to understand when planning your own project.

So, before any money is spent or any hammer hits the nail, make sure these points are considered first. The outcome will always be worth it.

Don’t forget to spread the word about Which of these suggestions did you like the most? Let us know in the comment section.

Thank you !!



Nerd For Tech

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