How Invoice Approval Workflow Can Increase Your Accountant’s Productivity!
It eats up a great deal of time, mental and physical effort, and energy of your employees when they help accountants rework on a bill, which is laden with errors or misses necessary points.
This complicated task renders them too tired to fulfill their assigned tasks, thus resulting in decreased productivity from them.
You can keep such issues at bay by adopting an efficient invoice approval software, which will help your accountants prepare error-free bills quickly and efficiently.
Furthermore, such advanced online accounts payable and accounts receivables software systems include every employee who works on a project to ward off miscommunication. Gaps in communication, especially with those employees who take on a project to complete it lead to incorrect invoices or not adding billable amount.
Apart from them, there are also many ways in which an automatic invoice approval process can help you get more productivity from your employees. So, let’s know them one by one to have in the mind firmly.
6 Ways Automatic Invoice Approval Workflow Can Boost Your Employees’ Productivity:
1. Sending Correct Invoices
Manual invoice approval workflow tends to create incorrect invoices because humans commit more mistakes due to miscommunication, unbearable workload, and the like.
Furthermore, your employees who worked on a particular project are asked to come again and again, which gets on their nerves, thus distracting them from their usual work or leaving them too tired to work.
The solution to such issues lies in adopting cutting-edge invoicing software, as there will be less requirement for the involvement of such employees, and it will allow them to invest their 100% in their work leading to more productivity.
2. Involving employees working on a project for better communication
How much time and effort a project consumed no one knows better than employees themselves who work on a project, therefore communication with them is a must-do, and the latest technology-enabled billing software has this communication system with employees as a part of its approval process.
So, if employees give an exact detail of the time, effort, and other resources spent on a project, then it will be much easier to create a correct invoice, thus receiving true value of your hard work from your clients.
Furthermore, it can ward off the unnecessary requirement of your employees to be involved in the invoice generation process again and again, which gets on their nerves and makes them unable to work with the utmost dedication, leading to less productivity.
3. Less time consumption in invoice preparation
The more mistakes a bill carries, the more time it needs for correction. Invoice approval workflow, due to being automatic with the online invoice software, will take much less time to generate an invoice. Thus, saving a great amount of time, which can be invested in doing something feasible, resulting in more productivity.
4. No need to work again on invoices
If your automatic invoice approval workflow makes possible for you to generate correct and flawless invoices, then there is nothing more to do in invoices.
This way, your accountants and employees will be free from this headache, and they will truly and dedicatedly fulfil their duty, bringing more output to your business.
5. Not missing any billable amount
Generating invoices manually, sometimes misses those billable amounts which you forget to add to your bills. Owing to this, you are not paid for your services completely.
It negatively affects your cash flow, in which you spend more resources and get less returns.
But the story completely changes when you embrace an automatic system allowing you to have a proper process, which helps you cope with many cumbersome tasks in a less time with perfection and without missing any detail.
6. Allowing employees to work without worry
Automatic invoice approval process relieves your employees by automatically generating flawless bills. The steps of the process include everybody related to a project to let the incharge know exactly how much was invested in the project, and how much should be invoiced.
When your employees are tension-free, they work freely to give you your expected output.
Apart from the benefits of automatic invoice approval workflow for better productivity, some modern invoicing software comes with effectual features, which help you deal with the problems coming from starting working on a project to preparing its invoice. A list of the Most famous features are below:
Staff management:
It’s a must-know for you to know exactly what your staff members are doing if they have taken on a project. You can control them by keeping an eagle eye on them if you utilize an advanced invoicing system with staff management feature.
Thus, they will make an all-out effort in the project to complete it with flying colours due to being aware of the surveillance.
Project management
Your projects are your source of earning. Mere this fact is enough to let you know their importance. If the work on a project is in progress, then many suggestions, change ideas, and improvement methods pop up in your brain.
Such methods can help your team to complete the project much better if given by you at the right time. So, a feature with custom invoicing software allowing you to have a control over your projects is a boon to you.
Task management
The size of a project determines the number of people and tasks required for its completion. Different tasks are assigned to different employees makes more problematic, if done manually, to have a proper task management.
Managing a task automatically by being anywhere using your fingertips can be possible if you go for an advanced billing software, having a task management feature.
Credit note management
A large number of clients have a deal on credit. Sometimes, they pay you more, and you need to inform them that the extra amount will be settled in the future.
So, you need to have a feature of credit note management, which can run on your mobile allowing to send credit notes to your clients, thus making your relationship with them thriving.
This feature allows you to see all records of clients’ credit notes date wise for indubitable assurance.
Client management
How well you know your clients determines how well you prepare your services to win their trust. Modern billing software comes with clients management feature, which makes possible for you to know your clients better.
Doing so, you will give them what they truly want, thus giving them the utmost satisfaction. This feature can play a huge role in the client retention strategy by helping you strengthen your relationships with them, which is an integral part of a successful business.
Estimate management
Before you start working on a project, you must know how much it will cost. Knowing so, you can inform your clients about the estimations to keep confusions, doubts, worries, and potential conflicts at bay.
The better and more you tell your clients about their project, the more they think that you consider their project serious and valuable. And, they will not look anywhere else for their future projects except for your business in the long run.
Let’s sum up
It is expected that you find this blog helpful enough to have a clear idea of how to boost productivity in your business by making your employees tension-free.
You can do so with an automatic invoice approval process, which allows your employees who worked on a project to let the invoice approval incharge know how much really was spent in terms of time, effort, and other resources to prepare a flawless and appropriate invoice.
Furthermore, we also made you familiar with some effectual features like staff management, project management, task management, credit note management, and the like to get rid of probable conflicts and doubts weakening your relationships with your clients, leading to poor productivity.